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5 claves para regar tus plantas perfectamente - GROW 1NDUSTRY

5 keys to water your plants perfectly

Discover how to water your plants in 5 steps. Water in your crop is as important as the sun or having enough land. Lest'go!

Watering is not just adding water, no matter how absurd it may seem. Okay, a little yes, but you have to know how to do it well so as not to fall short or overdo it, to not damage the plant and to make sure that the water reaches all the parts it should reach.

Surely your aunt Paqui, who has a patio full of beautiful geraniums and rose bushes, has taught you perfectly how to do it, but we want to give you 5 keys so that you know how to water your lucky plants perfectly; quickly and efficiently Let's get started!

How to water plants perfectly

It is very important to take into account the type of plants we have, no matter how obvious it may be. Having a small pot with a geranium is not the same as having a large pot with an aloe vera, or in your case, a very cool clover.

Another important aspect is the size of the plant and its needs. Some varieties need more water than others, and more if they have just germinated or are more than a month old. The more time passes and the larger your plant becomes, the greater the amount of water you will water it with.

1. Water only in the early morning or late afternoon

Above all, during the warmest months of the year, you should not water during the middle hours of the day, which is when the sun heats up the most and the water evaporates the fastest. For example, if you are in Andalusia and in the middle of July, you water your pots around 12:00, the water will evaporate immediately and the soil will be dry again shortly, so it is very likely that the plant has not received the water you need.

The most appropriate thing is to water in the late afternoon, so that the plants can take advantage of all the nutrients in the water during the night. Although for some varieties, it is better to do it first thing in the morning, since that is when they begin their metabolic activity and they need that watering to be able to get to work.

2. Do not water by wetting the leaves, always on the ground

Checking that the soil is well moistened is something that we will learn over time, by observing and getting to know our plants. But it is always the soil where we must add water, since the roots are the ones that need it the most, not only during the first stage of the plant's life, but during all its phases of development.

Of course, it is very important that you keep in mind that, if the plant has many leaves or they are very large, it will need more water to reach all parts of the plant.

3. Do not flood the plant, less is more

Not by watering it more, you are watering it better. The ideal for almost all plants is to water them little and frequently, so that they always have optimal humidity levels. To know a little more about the times your plants need in terms of watering frequency, you must pay attention to the state of the soil and never let it be too dry, as it will lose nutrients.

But, on the contrary, it is not good to have excess water either, since, by increasing the level of oxygen in the roots, they absorb nutrients less well and the plant can become weak to the point of death.

Be aware! If you see that the soil is too compact or that it acquires a greenish tone or that the leaves stop sprouting or begin to turn yellow, your plants have too much water and you will have to take action.

4. Essential: check and regulate pH and EC

In order to have optimal performance and water plants perfectly, it is essential to know and be able to regulate pH and EC (electroconductivity) levels.

Check PH! It is very simple. You just have to get a pH measuring test strip or a professional meter (There are countless models, styles and prices). If the result of the pH test is not what you want or need, you can always correct it with some of the many products that exist on the market for this purpose.

As for EC, it is the amount of minerals contained in water and soil. These are fundamental aspects that we must control in our cultivation, since the lack or excess of nutrients in our plants requires special care, since they cannot be recovered. of a blockage or overload of nutrients.

If the level is below what is recommended, the plants may not be receiving the nutrients they need to grow optimally; while, if the level is too high, the plant would be receiving an excess of nutrients, which is not good for it either. To reduce the EC level, the use of filtered water through a reverse osmosis system is recommended.

At GrowIndustry we make it very easy for you when it comes to watering plants perfectly and we have selected in advance for you the best Ph and EC meters on the market .

5. If you have the chance, use rainwater!

We all know that water is a scarce commodity. So, if you have the possibility of collecting rainwater, you will be taking advantage of something very necessary for everyone. In addition to saving you some money, which never hurts.

Rain also benefits the plant when it falls directly on it, as long as it is not torrential rain, since it helps cleanse the leaves of impurities, allowing the plant to “breathe better.”

Rainwater does not contain chlorine or lime, which makes it much healthier for the natural and ecological irrigation of crops. In addition, water from rain penetrates the soil more easily. Therefore, it reaches the roots better than the drinking water we normally use. For all these reasons, using rainwater is one of the best tips we can give you when it comes to watering plants perfectly.

Go for it!

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