Bloombastic Atami
Terms: Shipping and returns
Terms: Shipping and returns
Some of the advantages and benefits of Bloombastic are:
The recommended storage temperature for Bloombastic is between 7 and 30 ºC . As long as you keep it within those ranges, you ensure that none of its nutrients are lost. In general, what you should pay attention to is that it is not stored below or above these temperatures, that it is away from light and that you always keep the container closed. The recommended mixture is 0.5 to 1 milliliter of Bloombastic per liter of water.
The ideal time to start with Bloombastic is when the first buds begin to appear on your plants. Its use is reserved, as a general rule, for the last phase of flowering and maturation, that is, the last 4 to 6 weeks. During that phase, it can be used daily during watering the plant as a dietary supplement to basic foods.
Bloombastic composition includes:
In our online store you can buy this flower hardener and enhancer at the best price. We offer you up to five different package sizes, to adapt to the needs of your harvest. And we also have Bi Bloombastic and pk 13-14 from Atami.