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Los mejores insecticidas para el control de pulgones

The best insecticides for aphid control

Aphids are one of the most common and persistent pests in crops, especially in marijuana. Their presence can cause significant damage, affecting both the health of the plants and the quality of the harvest. Fortunately, there are various insecticides designed specifically to combat this pest.

Below, we present a selection of the best products to eliminate aphids, all available at Grow Industry , your trusted Online Grow Shop , so you can find the best solution for your crop.

What is aphid?

Aphids are small insects that belong to the Aphididae family and, as we mentioned, are one of the most common pests in marijuana crops and many other plants. These tiny insects, which vary in color from green to black, usually gather in the most tender parts of the plant, such as new shoots, young leaves, and stems. Aphids feed on the plant's sap, piercing its tissues with a specialized mouth structure that allows them to suck out essential nutrients. This process considerably weakens the plant, affecting its growth and development.

In addition to consuming sap, aphids produce a sticky substance called honeydew , which accumulates on the surface of leaves. This honeydew not only attracts other pests, but also promotes the growth of fungi and bacteria , especially sooty mold. As a result, the presence of aphids not only damages the structure of the plant, but also facilitates the appearance of secondary diseases, further complicating the care and overall health of the crop.

Consequences of aphids on marijuana crops

The presence of aphids on marijuana plants can have serious consequences on the yield and quality of the crop. By consuming the sap, aphids deprive the plant of essential nutrients it needs to grow and develop properly. This causes a general weakening of the plant , resulting in slow growth, yellowing leaves, and a significant reduction in bud production. In severe cases, the plant may even wither and die if the infestation is not controlled in time.

Another important consequence that we have mentioned before is the production of honeydew by aphids, a substance that sticks to the leaves and creates an environment conducive to the growth of fungi and bacteria. One of the most common fungi that appears in the presence of honeydew is the sooty mold, which forms a black layer on the leaves, blocking photosynthesis and making it difficult for the plant to breathe. This not only reduces the plant's ability to develop, but also decreases the quality of the buds, affecting the flavor, aroma and potency of the final harvest.

Aphid infestation also makes the plant more vulnerable to other pests and diseases . The weakening caused by nutrient loss and fungal buildup on the leaves can open the door to other insects and pathogens that would not normally pose a significant threat.

What types of insecticides are used for aphids?

To control aphids in marijuana crops, there are several types of insecticides , each with its own advantages and application methods. Among the most common are naturally derived insecticides, which include components such as neem oil or pyrethrum extracts . These products are effective in the early stages of infestation and are usually safe for the environment, as well as being less harmful to the plant. When applied foliarly, natural insecticides penetrate the plant tissues and affect the nervous system of aphids, eliminating them without leaving harmful residues.

Systemic insecticides are another popular option, especially in cases of severe infestations. These products are absorbed by the plant and distributed throughout its structure, from the roots to the leaves. By ingesting any part of the treated plant, aphids also ingest the insecticide, which acts on their internal system. Although systemic insecticides are very effective, it is important to follow the instructions for use carefully to avoid toxic residues in the buds, especially in the final stages of cultivation.

Finally, there are contact insecticides , which kill aphids by coming into direct contact with them. These products are usually fast-acting and are ideal for applying to localized infestations. Contact insecticides can be used in combination with other methods for more complete control. However, they need to be applied evenly and make sure to cover the entire plant , as they only affect aphids that are on the surface at the time of application.

TOP best insecticides for aphids

Spruzit® Insecticide

Spruzit Insecticide is a natural and effective solution against pests such as aphids and mites . With more than a century of history, Spruzit has evolved thanks to technological advances, improving its formula to be applied foliarly both in the growth and flowering phases. Its components include pyrethrum extract and rapeseed oil, natural elements that attack the nervous system of insects and cause a quick and effective death. It also acts as an ovicidal , suffocating insect eggs and preventing new generations of pests in your plants.

This insecticide is ideal for use during the warmer months, when pests such as spider mites proliferate more rapidly . It should be used at night to avoid the magnifying glass effect on the leaves, which could damage them if applied in broad daylight. The dosage of Spruzit varies depending on the type of pest to be combated; for example, for aphids and mites, it is recommended to use 10 ml per litre of water. This product ensures a safe and crop-friendly application, without affecting the quality of the harvest.

Decis Protech Bayer Insecticide

Bayer Decis Protech is a multipurpose insecticide based on deltamethrin , known for its powerful shock effect that acts quickly on pests such as aphids, caterpillars and whiteflies. This insecticide is particularly useful due to its short safety period of 7 days, which means that it can be applied even close to harvest without the risk of toxic residues in the buds. In addition, its effect is both contact and ingestion, making it a complete solution to eradicate several pests in a few days.

For optimal results, it is recommended to spray Decis Protech every week, adjusting the dose between 0.5 to 1 ml per litre of water . This insecticide is suitable for both indoor and outdoor crops, allowing continuous and effective pest control until the last weeks of the crop. However, to ensure maximum safety, it is recommended to stop using it at least 21 days before harvest . This product is available in different formats, adapting to the specific needs of each grower and the size of their growing space.

Solabiol Insecticide

Solabiol is a natural acaricidal insecticide that acts effectively by direct contact on insects and their eggs . Its composition based on natural pyrethrins allows it to be used both indoors and outdoors, offering an environmentally friendly option for pest control. It is effective against aphids, red spiders, whiteflies and caterpillars, among others , and its application is simple thanks to the fact that the product is ready to use.

For better pest control, it is recommended to apply Solabiol at the first sign of infestation, repeating the process every 7 days if necessary. The recommended dose is 10 ml per litre of water, preferably applied to the underside of leaves to maximise its effectiveness. In addition, its short safety period (4 days) allows it to be used until just before harvest, guaranteeing plant protection without compromising the quality of the final product.

Xtrem Insecticide Concentrate 8ml

Compo's Xtrem Concentrated Insecticide is an effective product for controlling pests such as aphids, thrips and mosquitoes in gardens, balconies and greenhouses. Its formula is composed of Tau-Fluvalinate , a synthetic pyrethroid that acts both by contact and by ingestion. This insecticide is ideal for use in high temperature conditions and is quickly absorbed, allowing for prolonged action in pest control.

To ensure safe application, it is essential to follow the manufacturer's instructions and wear protective equipment such as gloves and glasses. It is recommended to store Xtrem Insecticide in a cool, dry place, away from heat sources, and apply it in precise doses to avoid possible damage to the plants.

Choosing the right insecticide is essential to protect your plants from aphids and other pests without compromising the quality of the crop. At Grow Industry , we have a variety of high-quality and effective options so you can find the solution that best suits your growing needs. Visit our online store and buy the best protection for your plants!
Next article Thrips in marijuana: What are they and how to prevent them?

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