Bio Bloom by BioBizz
Terms: Shipping and returns
Terms: Shipping and returns
Bio Bloom is a star organic fertilizer , which is responsible for providing your crop with all the necessary nutrients and minerals during its flowering phase. It is important to know that this is a product particularly created for application on organic substrates, such as soil or coconut crops. It should not be applied in irrigation systems , as it could get stuck in the pipes and cause damage to the plantation. Taking this into account, the application of this fertilizer is very simple.
If you want your crop to receive a professional feeding regime, Bio Bloom is what you need. Additionally, you can combine this fertilizer with other base additives to obtain better results. This is a flowering stimulant , which will be responsible for giving your specimens the final boost of vitality and energy. You will obtain beautiful plants, with unique colors and flavors, and extremely abundant production. In addition, this product also helps stimulate root development , so you will have before you one of the most complete additives on the entire market. Composition of Bio Bloom from Biobizz:
Applying Bio Bloom to your crops is extremely easy. You will only have to initially add 2 ml per liter of water, and apply in the first weeks of flowering. As the weeks go by, you will begin to increase the dose, ending at 4 ml per liter of water, in the final phases of flowering. If you want your plant varieties to grow strong and healthy , start implementing this organic fertilizer in your crops now. Bio Bloom can be combined with other Biobizz fertilizers such as Acti Vera so that your crop is strong and protected. It also provides very good results in Light Mix from Biobizz .