Calgreen Metrop
Terms: Shipping and returns
Terms: Shipping and returns
In soft water and hydroponic crops, it is very common for the lack of some elements and nutrients to harm the quality of our plantations. Well, we now have Calgreen to provide an extra dose of calcium to our plants , and thus prevent them from suffering from a deficiency of this mineral that is so important for their vegetative development. In addition, Calgreen will provide calcium in molecules that are completely assimilable by the plantation . In this way, you will ensure that your plants receive good nutrition to develop a good metabolic process. At the end of the season you will have beautiful and radiant plants, with exuberant productions.
Just as people need calcium to strengthen our bones and tissues, plants also need it to strengthen their cell walls , and thus gain greater strength and internal resistance. Calgreen from Metrop makes sure to provide the necessary doses of calcium to your crop, thus generating strong and vigorous trunks, stems and branches, full of vitality and energy. But in addition to calcium, this product will provide good doses of Magnesium to the crop, an extremely necessary element particularly for the fattening phase. You will thus be able to obtain a crop with abundant flowers, filled with the best aromas and flavors, never before perceived.
Composition of Calgreen from Metrop