Cornwall Electronics Humidity Controller
Terms: Shipping and returns
Terms: Shipping and returns
Cornwall Electronics Humidity Controller technical specifications:
The Humidity Controller works in a very easy way. As it has two functions, humidifying and dehumidifying, you will have to choose the one you need. You connect the controller to your humidifier or exhaust fan and determine the temperature . To turn it on you have to press the "On" button. Without releasing it, press the down arrow. This will cause a fire flame or drops to appear . The flame indicates that the Controller is in dehumidifying mode, so it will begin to extract air when it detects excess moisture in the crop. On the other hand, the drops indicate that it is in humidifier mode. In this case it will turn on the connected humidifier when it detects low humidity. In both functions, it will stop when it detects that there is correct humidity in the environment.
The Controller will allow you to very precisely control the humidity of your crop. Once the desired values have been indicated, you will not worry anymore since your grow room will constantly be in optimal conditions . Reading the value is very easy, since it has a digital screen where it shows the numbers.