Humic Blast Aptus
Terms: Shipping and returns
Terms: Shipping and returns
Humic Blast is an organic substrate conditioner that acts as a root stimulator for your plants and macrobiotic life . In this way, it will be responsible for improving the soil structure and water retention capacity.
Humic Blast is not only a powerful cleaner so that the crop can better absorb nutrients, but also a product that provides vitamins and amino acids to improve the health of your plants and plump up the flowers. Likewise, this stimulator will be capable of producing and improving the micro-life existing in the culture medium. In this way, and thanks to its stabilizing agents, it will help your plants relieve stress problems that situations such as transplants or sudden changes in temperature can generate. Humic Blast will also allow you to keep the EC level of the water stable . Not in vain, it retains mineral salts and dissolves them so that plants can absorb them better. It is also capable of decomposing heavy metals and other components such as sodium, aluminum or chlorine. It also contains humic acids from the leonardite layer, growth-stimulating amino acids and vitamins. Therefore, it is rich in carbon and potassium humates and is balanced with natural plant hormones and microelements.
The dose recommended by the manufacturer is 0.3 milliliters per liter of irrigation water . If you want to get the best results, you should use Humic Blast during the last 2-3 weeks of the flowering phase . It is also recommended that you use it in the last irrigation with water and without further additives or every time you have to transplant.