Terms: Shipping and returns
Terms: Shipping and returns
MAKATIEL insecticide prepares your plants for any change in the environment that may cause stress. Likewise, it is the ideal product to make your plants resist the attack of a pest or an aerial fungal disease. Not in vain, it acts as a plant vaccine that strengthens the health of the crop in general.
Its organic compounds come from microbial fermentation of biological origin . Its action, therefore, does not affect the crop, but rather helps it grow and develop better. Available in different formats, it is a 100% organic natural product.
MAKATIEL works as an anti-fungal vaccine for your plants . They will be able to combat any fungal attack or the problems and diseases derived from aerial fungi. The MJ-SHIELD technology that it incorporates produces a very rapid response in the cells of your plants to act against pathogenic elements.
This way, the plant will not need to expend much energy to repel the fungi. Energy saved to flower much better. It goes without saying that your plants will grow much stronger and more resistant , providing a more numerous and quality final production.
MAKATIEL for fungi is applied foliarly every 15 days and in those hours when the light intensity is lower. The application will be carried out throughout the cultivation process. However, you can also apply this product using irrigation water.
The dose recommended by the manufacturer, whether you apply it foliarly or by irrigation, is 2 milliliters of product for every liter of water . Your plants will quickly absorb the product and will be much safer.